Space Opera With a Twist

Author Feature ‘Ashes of Empire: Imperial Sunset’ by Eric Thomson

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  1. Kathy

    I now read the Siobhan Dunmoore and Decker’s War series. Which should I read next Warrior’s Knife or Imperial Sunset?

    • Eric Thomson

      I would suggest Imperial Sunset.

  2. Chong Go

    I’m just finishing now, and looking forward to the next one. Thanks!

  3. Dann

    Interested in the book, but one question, is this book going to be one of those bad nobility, bad empire, bad monarchy, and after that, we the people, democracy, freedom, republic?

    • Eric Thomson

      It is not. The concept for this series deals only tangentially with various forms of government. The main story is saving humanity’s accumulated knowledge from destruction by civilizational collapse and thereby retaining the ability to travel across the stars and rebuild whatever arises from the empire’s ashes. And that whatever may well not be ‘we the people, democracy, freedom, republic’ but something new.


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