Space Opera With a Twist

I Did It Again

I suppose it was inevitable.  After having so much fun building a scale model of Siobhan Dunmoore’s current command, the Q-ship Iolanthe, I had to go back and build a scale model of her previous ship, the frigate Stingray.  Here she is in all her glory.  I’ve tried to build her to the same scale as Iolanthe, and eventually, I’ll post a picture of both together, but not today (by the way, that clear plastic thing underneath is a stand and not part of the model).

Stingray copy

And with that, I have no more excuses to play around while Without Mercy (Siobhan Dunmoore Book 5) remains unfinished.  Unless I start trying my hand at green screen photography and Photoshop both models against a starry background, something Mrs Thomson is encouraging me to try.  In any case, I’ve passed the halfway mark on Dunmoore #5, so I’m still on target.  In the meantime, if you haven’t read Ashes of Empire: Imperial Sunset, do yourself a favor and get it.  So far, the reviews have been uniformly positive.


  1. wildbillnash

    Nice. I have a few myself I would like to build. But I don’t know how you can do it in plastic, unless I use a 3D printer. Good job.

    • Eric Thomson

      Thank you.

      At this point all I can do is modify existing kits with a lot of styrene stock and parts from my leftover bins, but that 3D printer is tempting.


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