Space Opera With a Twist

Another One Bites the Dust

I realize that I haven’t posted anything in a criminally long time, but my excuse is simple — I was hard at work writing the fifth Ghost Squadron adventure, Violent Fires. And I’ve just finished! Now to the hard work of revising before it goes off to my editor, hopefully at the end of September, which would mean a late October publication date.

Here in the Great White North, summer is drawing to a close. The nights are getting fresh and the daytime temperatures are dropping. I wonder where it went. One moment, it was June with the glory of Summer ahead of us, now it’s September and the leaves are threatening to start turning any day. Another spin around the sun progressing as it has for eons, I guess.

Once my editor has Violent Fires, I will begin work on the first, so far unnamed novel in my new Imperial Rogue series, which picks up a few years after Imperial Dawn when the Second Empire and the Republic are locked in a cold war for supremacy over humanity’s scattered remnants.

1 Comment

  1. Cathy Howat

    Will Farrin Norum and Currag DeCarde become the focus of resistance to the current Lyonesse regime?

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