Space Opera With a Twist

July is the Merriest Month

I just realized it’s been a month since I last posted something. I guess the onset of summer has also triggered a certain amount of laziness. First, the news. When the Guns Roar (Siobhan Dunmoore #6) and A Dark and Dirty War (Siobhan Dunmoore #7) are both out in audiobook. The latter isn’t out on Audible or Amazon yet as of writing this, but it’s only a matter of days. You can find them via the following links:

Our narrator is currently finishing On Stormy Seas (Siobhan Dunmoore #8) so look for it later this month or early next month.

As far as writing the next great novel goes, it’s been slow. I’m struggling a bit with Imperial Dawn, but nothing to worry about. Summer is keeping me from working on it, especially since July is my favorite month. It’s been nice and warm so far, but not too hot. We’ve received a regular amount of rain, so the garden is flourishing and I’m enjoying sitting outside with a book most days, taking advantage of the fact that I can do so easily until late in the evening. And no, I’m not reading science fiction. These days, it’s The Carlisle and Holbrooke Naval Adventures which are set during the Seven Years War (1756-1763) two-hundred and forty years in the past rather than seventeen-hundred years in the future. If you enjoy age of sail novels, give the series a try. I highly recommend it.

And that’s it!

Stay safe and healthy fellow humans.

1 Comment

  1. Dennis Swaney

    For light SF reading go to the Bob and Nikki series by Jerry Boyd. I’ll have to checkout that series on the French and Indian War as the Seven Years War is known in these United States.

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