Mrs Thomson and I just returned from our regular scuba diving trip to an undisclosed location where the temperature was 40 degrees Celsius higher than it is here in our part of the Great White North at the moment. Needless to say, it was a bit of a shock to the system when we stepped out of the airport. But we’ve unpacked, our dog is sleeping off two weeks at the boarding kennel beside me, and it’s back to the usual routine.
Tomorrow, I resume work on Ashes of Empire: Imperial Night. The first two chapters were complete, as were the opening paragraphs to chapter three, before we took the great metal bird to more southerly climes. I’d like to see it in my editor’s hands by the end of March, which isn’t an unreasonable timeline. Then, it’ll be on with Deadly Intent, the second of the Ghost Squadron adventures. If you haven’t read We Dare yet, give it a try. The story is a fast-moving, hard-hitting military scifi story which sets the scene for the Commonwealth’s impending demise and the rise of empire.
I wish all my readers a Happy New Year.
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